Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A World Without Books?

I can't imagine a world without books.  I love to read and I would miss books if they were forbidden or completely gone.  A world without books would probably look a lot like the world described in Fahrenheit 451. The world would be thoughtless.  No one would be able to think for themselves and they would be completely caught up in mindless activity.  It is scary to think that all books would be gone.  We would be consumed completely by TV and video games.  Our lives would be bland and everyone around us would probably become strangers just like Guy and his wife in Fahrenheit 451.  We metaphorically burn books every day when we turn on the TV and become consumed by it.  We are getting consumed by media instead of by books.  The scary thing about books is that they make you look at things in a different way.  Books encourage free thinking and the ability to analyze the text and find meaning.  If books were gone everyone would be consumed by media and by being consumed by media our minds are shut off.  We don't have to analyze why two people got into a fight on reality TV.  It is mindless noise and requires no second guessing and no thought.  Books are dangerous to those who want complete control and sameness in everyone.  Books are a gift and without them people would close their minds and become completely mindless drones.


  1. I like how you say that books are dangerous to people that like to have complete control, because that is a very true statement. When reading a book you never know what may pop into your imagination. However, it is a good thing when that happens. I guess if you still want to read books and be in complete control you could always read those choose your own adventure books that I loved when I was a kid.

  2. I agree with how you said we are consumed by media. By watching TV and the internet, we are metaphorically burning books.

  3. We are definitely consumed by media. But reading can be media as well. I can't imagine if our world was suddenly without books. I wonder how many people would fight back, or just give up and not worry about books anymore.

  4. I agree with you completely. We are over consumed with media. Sometimes our books are consumed with media as well. I know some authors make extra money for mentioning a particular brand in their books. It is just never ending.
