Thursday, April 14, 2011


When I took this class I didn't really expect a lot.  I thought I would be writing papers and reading boring books.  I love reading but I figured that taking an Intro to Literature class would mean reading books that didn't really appeal to me.  After taking this class I feel like I have learned a lot.  I read many books that I may not have picked up on my own.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading ever book.  I never really questioned what I was doing by watching TV or how by doing things I was 'burning books'.  When I would read books I would enjoy them but I wouldn't analyze them the way this class has taught me to.  By analyzing these books I have learned what this world around me could end up looking like.  It was scary to be faced with this potential reality of mindlessness and control by media.  I have become more conscious when I watch TV and realize what I'm watching is not reality.  It may be made to seem like it's reality but its just done to keep our attention.  I would rather read books than watch TV.  This class has made me cherish books so much more.  I am excited to read the rest of the Hunger Games series and continue reading and analyzing more books.  I never realized the intense connections that books can have with the world around us.  This class as solidified my thinking that without books we would be mindless.  The activities on reality TV have made me realize that it is not reality at all but a way to distract us from thinking and using our imagination. 

Overall this class was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed reading all of the books and have found that looking deeper into the meaning beyond the text is fun and requires a lot of critical thinking.  This class has thought me a lot and I intend to use all the stuff I learned about literature when I read more books in the future.


  1. I clicked on your blog and just wanted to say that I LOVE "The Pagemaster" (from the picture)! :)

  2. I agree that I now do look more deeply into everything I read. Some the worlds that were depicted in the literature paints a scary picture of what we could be living in the future. However, most of them are really far fetched more then likely will never happen. It has been a fun semester though! See ya at graduation!!!

  3. I also have started analyzing what I read and watch on TV. I would never do that before taking this class. I can't wait to read the rest of Hunger Games either and see the movie!
