Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reality TV

The show that I decided to watch was Teen Mom 2.  I regularly watch this reality TV show every Tuesday.  In this episode there are 4 girls all of whom got pregnant at a young age.  Chelsea had been broken up with her boyfriend and drama continues when he asks to see his daughter.  Kailyn has been fighting with her on again off again, now off, boyfriend and is figuring out how to file custody papers.  Leah is planning a wedding to her twins dad and is also facing medical examinations for her one daughter who cannot put pressure on her legs.  The fourth girl Jenelle is facing issues with her mom after stealing her credit cards and trying to figure out how to get her life together to get custody of her son.  Here is a clip I found from an episode that shows the fighting between Jenelle and her mother.

These are obviously real people, but are they real situations? I'm really not sure.  Part of me feels like they are real situations but another part of me questions it.  All of these girls really had babies and are really facing issues.  The issues are probably built up more than they have to be for the camera but they are still issues.  I feel like some people that are on the show are there strictly for the fame, they make problems because they know that is what people want to see.  People want to see drama because drama that is on TV is better than drama in real life.  I respond mostly with Leah in these episodes because she seems to be the most real.  She never has a lot of drama and they focus mostly on her relationship with her fiancee.  They also focus on the medical issues with her daughter which keeps you in suspense because you don't know what is going to happen.  I enjoy watching this show and get caught up in the lives that these girls lead.  What makes the show alluring is that they are in a situation that you would never want to be in but want to see how they handle it and live their lives.  As a viewer if I didn't watch or if others didn't watch there would be no show.  The company purposely cuts the show to show exciting drama and suspense.  They don't show dull times in these girls life, they show the exciting stuff that keeps you intrigued and wanting to know more.

We influence these "games" by watching.  We want drama and excitement.  Something that we don't always get out of life.  We want to be kept on the edge of our seats till the next week.  They keep us intrigued by putting themselves or getting put into situations that aren't normal every day situations.  I believe reality TV will be around for awhile because networks keep finding different ways to keep us wanting more.


  1. "networks keep finding different ways to keep us wanting more."

    How do they do this? How much "drama and excitement" is enough? I wonder where this all leads!

  2. P.S. I absolutely love Teen Mom.

  3. I've seen a couple of the new teen mom episodes, but watched most of the original Teen Mom (girlfriend had me watch it and i admit i got hooked on them lol). I believe most of it is real, and I feel awful for the kids in these situations. However, I feel that the network tries to instigate things, and over-exaggerate things to keep it interesting and keep the viewers coming back for more. I agree we do not get anything knowledgeable or good out of these shows, but yet its exciting and intrigues us to see others have a hard time or see them mess up which is kind of messed up but we are all guilty of it.

  4. I really do not like this show at all. I think it is setting a bad example for young girls that probably think if they get pregnant they could become famous. I know that's not what all young girls think, but I'm sure there are a few who have done it. Also, I recently saw one of these teen moms mugshots on E!News, I didn't catch what it was for though.

  5. I love this show! But I feel awful for most of the babies. Especially little Jace. His mom is the one who had the mugshot. I think it was for multiple drug arrests, trespassing, and assault.
