Thursday, February 24, 2011

Big Brother -- 1984

1984 shows a scary world where absolutely no privacy exists.  The only privacy that exists is in their mind.  It is scary to think of a world that is like that.  I believe today we still have privacy, not as much as people used to but at least an amount that it doesn't feel like we are completely trapped in our minds.  We have lost privacy in ways that probably don't really occur to people on a regular basis.  We go shopping and cameras in stores watch us, we go to the mall and mall cameras watch us, we go to the gas station and cameras watch us, its little things like that, that probably don't occur to us.  There are also things like tiny spy cameras that people can place anywhere and people will not be able to see them, there are even nanny cameras where teddy bears have cameras built into them, and there are tiny microphones that can be hidden, phone calls can be bugged.  It is crazy to think that we can be watched without knowing it, kind of like how Winston and Julie were being watched the whole time they were in the room and didn't know it because the telescreen was hidden behind the picture on the wall.  It is a scary thought that we are not realizing how much we are actually being watched on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny how you related the nanny cameras to the telescreens, I haven't thought of that but they are so similar. It's crazy to think of all the times we're being watched and we don't even know it.
