Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creative Blog

I try to think back to the first day I heard of this thing called the "feed", it seems like so long ago.  I remember the people saying that it will give our children an advantage, that they will have the encyclopedia on them at all times.  I didn't even know what to think, it was as if having computers in front of us wasn't close enough, the computers now needed to be built into us.  I was already feeling knowledge slipping away from younger generations but this felt like it was going to far.  I got a feed, one of the first, the oldest one that now made me look ridiculous.  I refused to let the feed change my view on teaching.  I still taught my students history, things that were important, but with the feed nothing was important to them other than what they could see and I couldn't.  Life without the feed was good, everyone seemed to care a little more about what was going on around them instead of what they wanted.  I gave in to letting my daughter Violet get the feed.  I knew she wanted one, all her friends had one, so I gave in.  I decided homeschooling her was the best idea, I didn't need her in those corporate owned schools, they didn't teach you history or anything going on in the world that was important, they just taught you about your feed, what the feed could offer you, and how to use it.  The feed has this way of making everyone with it feel super smart, when actually they are not, and I was not going to let my daughter rely on her feed the way others did.  People are all the same now, there is no individualism, what was left of it before the feed is now gone.  They seem brainwashed and self-centered, sometimes I doubt they even know what their kids look like.  People with the feed don't care about anything, nature is no longer existing in our world.  I regret the day I bought my daughter the feed.  Although she never abused the feed like others around her, it is taking her from me and there is nothing I can do.  When they invented the feed there was no time taken to think about the consequences of what would happen if things went wrong with someones feed, it was all about making things easier for the corporations to get inside our heads, now they have, and now look what the world has turned out to be.


  1. Definitely an interesting look into how Violet's father might feel about the feed and what happened to Violet because of it. I've been thinking about how the story would be if it was told through the eyes of Violet instead of Titus.

  2. You did a good job telling the story from Violet's fathers point of view.

  3. This is like many parents in todays world I think, they want to raise their kids the way they want to, but at the same time they have to let their kids fit in at some point. Violets dad let her get the feed just because it was the thing to do, and wished he wouldn't have in the end.
